PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Operational Area (Daop) 8 Surabaya operates 11 long-distance trains per day departing from Malang Station, East Java, during the Christmas and New Year 2024 holidays.

Public Relations Manager of KAI Daop 8 Surabaya Luqman Arif in a statement received in Malang City, East Java, Sunday said that during the year-end holiday period, there were two additional long-distance trains, namely KA Gajayana Tambahan and KA Malioboro Express.

"This additional train operation is of course to accommodate the needs of the community during the Christmas and New Year holidays," said Luqman.

Luqman explained, under normal conditions, long-distance train trips departing from Malang Station operate nine trains every day. However, in anticipation of a surge in passengers, there is an increase in long-distance trains.

The two additional long-distance trains, he continued, were for Jakarta, namely the Additional Gajayana Train and Yogyakarta destination, using the Malioboro Express train. The addition of the train was carried out in the period 21 December 2023 to 7 January 2024.

"KAI Daop 8 Surabaya has set a period of Christmas and New Year period of 18 days," he said.

He added, during this period, train departures from Malang Station provided 5,690 seats every day. Overall, during the Christmas and New Year periods, 102,420 seats were prepared for customers.

As of December 9, 2023, KAI Daop 8 Surabaya noted that 39,829 long-distance train tickets had been sold for departures from Malang Station from the total seats that had been prepared.

"This amount is about 40 percent of the capacity provided for long-distance trains for the Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 periods from Malang Station," he said.

Overall, the KAI Daop 8 Surabaya work area operates as many as 50 train trips, of which six are additional trains to meet the needs of the people who will travel during the Christmas and New Year 2024 holidays.

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