JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) engaged in the commodity trading industry, PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero) or KBI are optimistic that it can increase business growth by 50 percent in the midst of holding the 2024 general election (election).

Acting President Director of KBI, Budi Susanto said, the holding of the 2024 General Election has actually become a breath of fresh air for the company.

The reason is, reflecting on the elections in previous years, the performance of KBI grew driven by the large number of people's turnover.

"We are optimistic that next year it can actually grow significantly for KBI itself," he told reporters in Jakarta, written Friday, December 1.

Moreover, continued Budi, many new business lines can be a source of company revenue next year. For example, the crypto asset market.

We already have a license as a crypto kriling of crypto markets for crypto assets. Next year we hope it will be running for the year. So that will increase our revenue and net profit. We are also trying to find other sources of income, such as the commodity auction market," he said.

Budi said that until now PT KBI recorded a net profit of IDR 50 billion from the IDR 55 billion target set this year. He is optimistic that the target can be achieved in the remaining 2023 tahn time.

"Next year we estimate we can grow 50 percent, at least yes. But if the number is indeed we have discussed it with the shareholders, but maybe waiting for the ratification, yes, the GMS. The GMS is at least 50 percent of our business growth," said Budi.

To boost performance next year, PT KBI will launch a new website. This site is designed as a platform to support the three main business pillars of PT KBI, namely Commodity Futures Trading (PBK), Physical Commodity Market (PFK), and Warehouse Receipt System (SRG).

In the next development, continued Budi, the PT KBI website will be more integrated and the information updated periodically. In addition, PT KBI will continue to add various features that prioritize the principle of customer sensitivity.

"This new site of PT KBI is our initiative to support a more transparent and accountable ecosystem, creating synergies and collaborations from upstream to downstream to advance PBK, PFK, and SRG in Indonesia. With this new website, PT KBI can interact closer and transparently with all stakeholders in industry," he said.

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