JAKARTA - BUMN mining holding, MIND ID is committed to increasing the mix of net energy use in its mining business to get to Net Zero Emission in 2060.

President Director of MIND ID, Hendi Prio Santoso said, MIND ID targets group energy consumption in 2030 to be 40.2 giga joule (GJ), an increase of 20 percent from consumption in 2021 which was recorded at 33.5 million GJ.

"Roadmap for the MIND ID group energy transition from the baseline in 2021, we will upgrade the target of 33.5 million GJ to 40.2 million GJ or an increase of 20 percent from 2021," said Hendi in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VII DPR RI, Monday, November 27.

After the success of consuming 40.2 GJ in 2030, continued Hendi, MIND ID will also increase the energy consumption target to 52.5 million GJ in 2060 with the government's aspirations to reach NZE.

He continued, in 2021, his party has standardized the energy and emission intensity baseline according to global mining practices, then carried out a sample chain mapping from mining to mining processing facilities or smelters.

He further said, towards 2030, the target that MIND ID wants to achieve is to digitize all mining equipment and equipment, electrify the main production equipment, especially in the mining production industry, then also convert fossil-based fuels to environmentally friendly energy such as photo voltage (PV), bioenergy and natural gas use.

"Meanwhile, in 2060, the target we want to achieve is the electrification of all major production tools which are then carried out through an increase in renewable energy as an environmentally friendly energy source,"

Hendi explained that a number of strategies carried out by MIND ID in carrying out energy transitions to reduce GRK emissions are based on environmentally friendly and renewable energy-based principles.

MIND ID also implements energy efficiency in mining activities and mining processing of mining products in order to reduce energy consumption and operational costs.

Hendi said MIND ID also uses green technology in mining processes such as in environmentally friendly open mining.

Then implementing high standards and promoting energy coservation and emission reduction also implements an energy management system to optimize energy and consumption as an implementation of Hood mining practices.

"And also participate in education and communication to all stakeholders and the community as well as develop infrastructure that supports the distribution and supply of new and renewable energy as well as cooperation with energy suppliers and stakeholders to develop renewable energy projects," concluded Hendi.

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