JAKARTA Bank Indonesia (BI) mengungkap kredit maupun pembiayaan perbankan terus meningkat pada seluruh sektor ekonomi. Itukan bahwa kredit perbankan pada Agustus 2023 tumbuh 9,06 persen year on year (yoy) atau naik dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya sebesar 8,54 persen.

"Credit growth is mainly supported by the performance of the business, trade and social services services sector," he told reporters, Thursday, September 21.

According to Perry, in line with the aggregate growth in bank credit, sharia financing grew high to 14.52 percent. Meanwhile, MSME credit growth also improved to reach 8.90 percent, mainly from the micro segment.

"In the future, Bank Indonesia will continue to ensure the adequacy of banking liquidity, including through the Macroprudential Liquidity (KLM) incentive policy, to encourage business credit/financing," he said.

Perry explained that Bank Indonesia also continues to strengthen synergies with governments, banks, and the business world to encourage increased lending/financing, especially in sectors that have leverage on the national economy.

"This makes the financial system's resilience, especially banking, maintained," he asserted.

The BI boss explained that strong banking capital with a capital adequacy ratio (CAR) reached 27.44 percent in July 2023. It was noted that the risk of controlled credit was reflected in the ratio of non-performing loans (NPL) of 2.51 percent grossly and 0.80 percent net.

Perry added that banking liquidity in August 2023 was maintained, with the growth of Third Party Funds (DPK) of 6.24 percent (yoy). Then, the ratio of Liquid Equipment to DPK is still high with 26.49 percent in August 2023.

The condition is supported by a gap in Bank Indonesia's loose liquidity policy, which therefore remains low in banking interest rates, with a deposit rate of 1 month and a loan interest rate in August 2023 of 4.23 percent and 9.34 percent, respectively.

Perry also said that the results of the Bank Indonesia stress test showed that banking resilience was getting more solid.

"Bank Indonesia continues to strengthen synergies with KSSK in mitigating various domestic and global economic risks that have the potential to disrupt the resilience of the financial system and the momentum of economic growth," he concluded.

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