BALI - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has started to carry out a roadshow to socialize the Conversion of Fuel Motors to Electric Motors in 10 cities to the public starting from Denpasar City on Sunday, July 30, 2023.

Head of the Center for Electricity Survey and Testing, New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (BBSP KEBTKE) Senda Hurmuzan said this socialization was carried out to achieve the target of converting 50.000 motorcycles set by the government by the end of 2023.

"Indonesia needs to convert this, we focus on two-wheeled combustion motor vehicles because the population figure is more than 120 million more and the growth trend shows 5-6 percent every year," said Senda in his remarks, Sunday, July 31.

Senda continued, with the use of a burning motorbike, every 1 liter of fuel produces 2.5 kilograms of emissions.

If 120 million motorcycles are around 300 million kilograms per day, and in terms of potential fuel savings it can reach 51.6 million barrels per year assuming 1 motorbike saves 354 liters of fuel per year and reduces emissions by 0.7 tons of CO2 per year.

"To make it easier for people to participate in this program, the government has prepared an integrated digital platform that can be accessed using the keyword search for the 'Electric Motor Conversion'," continued Senda.

Senda said that this electric motorcycle conversion program would encourage the development of new businesses, including the main component industry, the Conversion and Service Workshop MSMEs, metal smelting and battery waste management, as well as labor development, namely engineering personnel (montir) for the conversion of electric motorcycles.

"To support the ecosystem, the battery-based electric motorcycle conversion program is running well and smoothly, collaboration and partnerships are needed with all stakeholders, including government agencies, state-owned enterprises, the private sector, academics, associations and the community," explained Senda.

Representing the Governor of Bali Province, the Head of the Bali Province Manpower and Energy and Mineral Resources Office, Ida Bagus Setiawan, hopes that this program will be a means of reducing fossil energy consumption, as well as helping reduce carbon emissions.

"The central regulation above is in line with regional commitments in an effort to create a clean environment and Balinese natural balance from upstream to downstream and support the reduction of carbon gas emissions, as one of the efforts and activities carried out is through the Conversion of Fuel Motorcycles to Electric Motorcycles," said Ida.

In a way of socializing, which carries the theme 'Conversion', talk shows and discussions are also held with speakers from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, representatives from the Ministry of Transportation and from the Indonesian Police. At the location of the event, there was also a test ride for electric motorbikes resulting from conversion and demonstration of conversion processes.

Just so you know, after Bali the same event will be continued in 9 other big cities in Indonesia, namely, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Bandung, Medan, Balikpapan, Makassar, Mataram, and Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara.

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