Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi again checked the Jabodebek LRT trial today.

Minister of Transportation Budi took part in the Jabodebek LRT trial starting from Dukuh Atas Station, Jakarta, to Harjamukti Station, Depok, then to Jatimulya Station, East Bekasi.

"I am happy that now (trials) are getting better than the previous test. I ask the operator if there are weaknesses to be corrected and improved immediately," Budi said in a written statement, Saturday, July 29.

Budi wants to ensure that the safety aspect has been met before the Jabodebek LRT begins commercial operations. He said the test was carried out in three stages.

The first stage is the operation of all LRT trains to ensure that safety and security aspects are met in all trains that will be operated.

Then in the second stage, the operation of trains with maximum number of passengers. This second phase of trial is also to ensure passenger service and passenger comfort level.

Then, the third stage was tested with a tight headway and a round-trip route (PP).

According to Budi, the trial will be carried out up to five days before August 18, so that it can report to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"If the test runs smoothly, the operation of the Jabodebek LRT commercially can be done when we celebrate the 78th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

In addition to trying out the LRT, Budi also visited the Jabodebek LRT Operation Control Center (OCC) Building and provided direction and motivation to officers, ranging from athletes' training, OCC officers, to the head of Jabodebek LRT Station. He also invited the officers to convey their aspirations to become input and evaluation material.

"When this train is running, we can't stop or retreat again. If there is a problem, there will definitely be many complaints from the public. For that, we have to make sure with quality control and good safety levels," he said.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Kereta Api Indonesia Didiek Hartantyo appreciated the presence of the Minister of Transportation which can be an encouragement for KAI staff, especially the Jabodebek LRT division in preparing for the operation of the Jabodebek LRT.

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