JAKARTA PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk is said to have been appointed by the legal product guarantee provider (BPJPH) as the bank receiving the payment of halal certification.

Bank Muamalat Finance and Strategy Director Suhendar said this opportunity was a separate opportunity to increase the company's business capacity, especially in terms of increasing third party funds (DPK), fee-based income (FBI) and new customers.

"We are committed to providing convenience for business actors," he told reporters, Wednesday, June 21.

According to Suhendar, to enjoy this service, business actors are required to become customers and then be able to use the digital Muamalat DIN facility.

"Payment of halal certification on digital channels makes the flexibility of customers increase because the BPJPH menu is directly displayed at the front of the payment menu. This also applies to corporate customers," he said.

For information, currently more than 90 percent of the company's customer transactions have been carried out through digital channels where the majority are through the Muamalat DIN application.

As of March 31, 2023, the total users of the Muamalat DIN application were recorded at around 400,000, an increase of 23.7 percent compared to the same period last year.

BPJPH is a government institution in Indonesia that is responsible for the implementation of the halal product guarantee system.

Founded on October 11, 2017, based on Law (UU) Number 33 of 2014 concerning guarantees for halal products (JPH), BPJPH has a number of powers in the implementation of JPH.

In addition to issuing and revoking halal certificates, BPJPH is also tasked with formulating and establishing JPH policies, setting norms, standards, procedures, and JPH criteria.

Then, register halal certificates on foreign products, conduct socialization, education, and publication of halal products, accredit LPH.

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