JAKARTA - Subholding of PT PLN (Persero), PLN Indonesia Power (IP) recorded net revenue growth of IDR 6.6 trillion in 2022 or 62 percent exceeding the target set by the corporation of IDR 4.1 trillion.

This achievement also shows an increase of 40 percent compared to the realization of net income in 2021 of IDR 4.7 trillion.

Main Director of PLN Darmawan Prasodjo revealed that this brilliant performance was the result of partnerships and co-investments made by the company and asset consolidation which made the company the largest generator in Southeast Asia.

"In our business development strategy, we don't just make changes slowly, but mutations in DNA. So, we need to maintain this so that PLN IP can become a credible and even more efficient company," said Darmawan to the media, Monday 19 June.

Darmawan said the establishment of the PLN IP subholding in early 2022 was a crucial point in increasing the company's end-to-end value chain.

The digitization of the generating system that was carried out later succeeded in accommodating the entry of new power plants to meet the increasing additional demand.

"Digitalization of the generating system has made PLN's electricity supply more reliable. This will continue to be mapped in each supply chain, so that we can anticipate the technical skills and technology needed to optimize all PLN IP assets," he explained.

PLN Finance Director Sinthya Roesly explained, the increase in PLN IP revenue in 2022 will be based on a more agile and accountable investment management company. Especially for company investment for power plants based on new renewable energy sources (EBT) which will increase every year.

"A clear commitment and plan regarding the development of EBT is also important, the fuel mix is ​​getting better and the use of fuel is decreasing. So that in 2023 PLN IP will pay more attention to increasing EBT capacity and production which is an important point in our green energy business," he explained.

Main Director of PLN IP, Edwin Nugraha Putra, responded that his party is very ready to face the challenges of increasing additional demand by encouraging wider partnerships and co-investments. The digitization of generators that has been carried out by PLN IP is an important foundation for the smooth running of this strategy, especially in accommodating the diversity of EBT sources that are included in the PLN system.

Specifically for adding EBT power, in the near future PLN IP will collaborate with the private sector to build a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) with a total capacity of more than 1,200 megawatts (MW). This project will make a major contribution to the company's target of adding EBT set in the 2021-2030 Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) to reach 7,000 MW.

"Our business development approach is partnership and collaboration. This business DNA change is needed to build skillsets and develop new technologies so that the PLN generation sector continues to be relevant to changes in the global energy climate," concluded Edwin.

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