JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) in collaboration with the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) held a Capital Market Bincang activity in Bekasi City, West Java, recently.

This is an effort to increase the understanding and opportunities of tourism and creative economy business actors (parekraf) about the capital market, especially the Initial Public Offering (IPO) scheme.

The excitement of the Capital Market Bincang was attended by 50 tourism sector business actors around Jabodetabek. In this activity, the Head of the Bekasi City Tourism and Culture Office and economist Ki Saur Panjaitan XIII were also present.

Director of Financing Access at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Anggara Hayun Anujuprana, said that opportunities and potential for tourism and creative business actors to penetrate the capital market are very high.

Based on data from the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), the number of capital market retail investors has penetrated 10.31 million investors as of December 2022. This number is up 37.68 percent compared to the end of December 2021 or 7.48 million investors.

"The opportunity is expected to encourage and accelerate parekraf business actors to be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a share initial public offering scheme or better known as the Initial Public Offering (IPO)," said Hayun through a written statement, quoted Friday, April 14.

Hayun said that his party had prepared various tiered programs that could support the capacity and capability of parekraf business actors in penetrating the capital market as an effort to obtain capital.

In addition to literacy activities related to the capital market in Capital Market Bincang activities, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has also developed "Coaching Clinic CreatIPO" which is an activity of one on one meeting with supporting professions in order to identify IPO readiness for regulatory, financial, legality, and readiness of underwriters.

In addition, there is also a selection to enter IDX Incubator, guidance by IDX Incubator, and monitoring by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, as well as the implementation of Demoday to bring together companies with supporting professions that will help prepare the IPO.

Meanwhile, Head of IDX Incubator Aditya Nugraha said the IPO was not a finish line in fundraising companies in the capital market, but a start point because the company could raise funds through the issuance of new shares through rights issue or private placement.

"In addition to aiming for unlimited funding, the IPO is also useful for improving the company's image, accelerating GCG, getting tax incentives, and others," he added.

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