JAKARTA - Mata Garuda, as a forum for youth alumni of scholarships for Education Fund Management Institutions (LPDP) from the Government of Indonesia, together with PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) or PT PII encourages youth participation in the development of the State Capital (IKN).

This step was taken by holding a discussion entitled "The Role of Youth as an IKN Supporter to Support the Acceleration of Sustainable Development" in Jakarta, Saturday, April 8, which also involved PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP).

On the occasion, as quoted from Antara, Thursday, April 13, the Head of the Garuda Eye for the 2022-2024 period Leonardo Henry Gavaza said this discussion forum provides an opportunity for LPDP recipients and alumni to be involved in IKN development through their knowledge and skills through the LPDP scholarship program.

"This event can also be a forum for discussing and sharing experiences with other youths about their role in IKN development," said Leonardo.

With a composition of more than 53 percent of Indonesia's total population, Leonardo assessed that youth has a very important role in supporting the sustainability of strategic government projects, including the development of IKN.

In order to carry out this strategic role, the younger generation needs to build a good understanding of the policy of moving the capital city and building IKN so that youth can contribute appropriately in ensuring the sustainability of IKN development from various aspects.

In this discussion, Deputy for Funding and Investment of the IKN Authority Agung Wicaksono, Business Director of PT PII Andre Permana, Director of Infrastructure Advisory KPMG Deoly Rawendra, and Director of LPDP Scholarship Dwi Larso discussed aspects of funding, infrastructure, sustainability and youth roles in supporting the success of IKN development.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT PII Wahid Sutopo said, as one of the Special Mission Vehicles (SMV) of the Ministry of Finance, PT PII is committed to supporting the provision of infrastructure at IKN, especially through the guarantee of the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) project.

Development needs in IKN will mostly be built outside the financing of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN), thus involving private parties through innovative financing schemes, one of which is KPBU, as well as providing facilities for the preparation and implementation of transactions for the use of State Property (BMN) in the Old State Capital.

"The role and support of PT PII for sustainable infrastructure development, especially for IKN as a project and financing enabler, certainly requires the support of human resource capability (HR) in realizing infrastructure as an instrument of economic growth and equitable development," said Wahid.

Therefore, Wahid hopes that collaboration with Mata Garuda can formulate and implement the needs of competent human resources and have competitiveness in accordance with the needs of infrastructure development.

LPDP Scholarship Director Dwi Larso added, LPDP must collaborate a lot to create a united, advanced and prosperous Indonesia in 2045 by pushing for a lot of growth locomotives evenly. LPDP has started to do this by providing more scholarship portions for youth outside Java.

"IKN is one of the new growth centers that can also accelerate the equitable development that must be supported together," said Dwi Larso.

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