JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) does not prohibit the directors of state-owned companies from holding concurrent positions as commissioners in the company's subsidiaries.

This is because the presence of the board of directors is believed to be able to oversee the business of subsidiaries.

The Special Staff of the Minister of SOEs, Arya Sinulingga, said that the business regulations that apply to subsidiaries must be in line with the policies set by the holding or parent company.

To ensure this policy goes well, continued Arya, the board of commissioners of its subsidiary comes from the board of directors of its parent company.

"What policy is held must be the same as the policies in its subsidiaries, through supervision at the commissioners," he said when met at the Ministry of SOEs, Wednesday, April 5.

"If it's not from the holding in the Commissioner, who will supervise it later? Where is the supervision process at the subsidiary?," he continued.

Arya believes that the dual position of the SOE Board of Directors in the company's business lines does not create a conflict of interest. Because, his presence represents the interests of the parent company.

For example, said Arya, a blueprint or blue print holding for the next 5 years must also be realized by a subsidiary.

The similarity of this mission or program must be directly supervised by the commissioners of the parent board of directors.

Commissioner is a supervisor, not an executor. So there is no conflict of interest because he is a supervisor. Instead, he will secure that the blue print of the subsidiary is the same as the holding company, which is the same. That's why they are needed for commissioners," he said.

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