Deputy Minister of SOEs II Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said he had not yet decided whether the plan to import the former electric rail train (KRL) from Japan would be canceled.

The reason, he said, this decision must be considered properly.

Regarding the report from the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) which stated that the imports of KRL from Japan did not meet the criteria, he said he had not received the documents.

"I don't know yet (it was canceled), we don't know yet. Because I haven't seen the report yet. Because we have to see this is important, so there are two, both are running," he told reporters, Wednesday, April 5.

Furthermore, the man who is familiarly called Tiko explained that the KRL import plan was based on the need in terms of capacity. On the other hand, also consider the ability of PT INKA.

"We understand the need for accelerated imports because there is a need in terms of capacity. But also on the other hand, we also want the expansion of INKA's ability to improve quality. Yes, we are looking for a midpoint," he said.

Therefore, Tiko said that his party would first discuss with BPKP the results of the review and recommendations for the plan to import a former KRL from Japan.

"We are still waiting for what BPKP findings we can control. It's possible whether there is a maintenance issue, whether it's a spare part problem. I haven't seen it yet," he explained.

As previously reported, BPKP has completed an audit of the plan to import used trains from Japan at the end of March 2023.

The used train is planned to replace the series of retired trains this year.

BPKP spokesman Azwad Zamroddin Hakim said the audit report had been completed and submitted to stakeholders.

Azward admitted that the report contained BPKP recommendations to stakeholders in making decisions on importing trains from the country of Sakura.

But unfortunately, Azward admitted that BPKP as an internal auditor could not disclose the results of the import review of the used train to the public.

"Recommendations and suggestions from the results of the BPKP review can be directly asked to stakeholders who have asked BPKP to conduct an audit some time ago," he said.

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