JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the southern coast (Pansela) is ready for travelers to pass during the Eid al-Fitr 2023 holiday period.

According to him, currently the conditions on the route are very good, although there is only one resting place.

"The condition of the Pansela is very good, although only (there is) one resting place, Pertamina has programmed the Pertamina Mobile which will serve along the Pansela," Minister Basuki told reporters after being met at the DPR Building, Tuesday, April 4.

Basuki said that currently the Pansela route can be passed to Sendangbiru which leads to Banyuwangi.

However, according to him, the Pansela route still needs more lighting in order to increase the safety and comfort of road users.

"Yesterday I just came from there, there was only one rest area in Pansela, if it's a connection," he said.

However, the PUPR Ministry ensures that the route can be crossed both day and night.

"Yes, it can be passed during the day and night," he said.

The Ministry of PUPR through the Center for National Road Implementation (BBPJN) of East Java-Bali, the Directorate General of Highways has resumed handling Jalan Pansela along 40,278 km, covering the Prigi-Botas Road of Tulungagung-Klatak-Brumbun Regency in Trenggalek Regency and Tulungagung Regency for 18.30 km.

Then, the Jalan Pantai Sine-Batas Blitar Regency in Tulungagung Regency with a length of 14.09 km, the Ringingrejo-Batas Road in Malang Regency in Blitar Regency with a length of 3.95 km, and the Blitar-Cramp 5 Purwodadi Border Road section in Malang Regency with a length of 3.938 km.

The Pansela road itself stretches across five provinces on the island of Java, including Banten Province with the Labuhan-Batas intersection section of West Java Province along 169.5 km.

Then, in West Java Province with sections from the Banten-Sindang Barang Provincial Boundary to the Central Java Provincial Limit along 417.1 Km.

Next, the Pansela Cross Road in Central Java Province with sections starting from the West Java-Congot-Duwet Provincial Limit to Glonggong along 212.5 km.

Furthermore, in DI Yogyakarta Province with the Karang Nongko-Legundi section to Duwet along 120.8 km.

Finally, the sections in East Java Province with Panggul-Sendangbiru-Jarit-Puger to Glenmore sections are 628.39 km.

The handling of the Java Pansela Cross is carried out through new road construction work, road preparation or maintenance activities, rehabilitation, road and bridge reconstruction, as well as road widening, towards sustainable standards to maintain roads in a steady condition.

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