Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi admitted that he had mapped locations that could potentially experience a buildup of vehicles during the 2023 Eid homecoming period.

According to him, the Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Road is the most difficult to regulate.

"We have coordinated in several places. From all over Indonesia, if we map it in Cipali the most stagdling. Second in Merak, and third in Soetta," he said at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 4.

Therefore, Budi said, to anticipate congestion at Merak Port, his party will add five ports in Ciwandan, Banten.

Ciwandan is an addition from Merak. Merak has 7 ports and Ciwandan will add 5 ports. God willing, the road ratio will not reach 0.46 so there will be no buildup there. Then there was a buildup there," he explained.

Meanwhile, to overcome traffic congestion on the Cipali Toll Road, Budi said, the Ministry of Transportation will carry out a traffic engineering scheme. One of them is a one way system.

Not only that, continued Budi, his party will also add an assignment that is alerted as well as a rest area. He said, odd-even will also be considered.

"We will think about even oddities later at the end or a week before, we will determine whether it needs to be determined or not. When we evaluate that it is relatively not easy, we will do this odd-even," he explained.

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