Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati said synchronization of planning and budgeting increased the effectiveness of the use of the state budget (APBN) in achieving national development goals so that maximum results were obtained.

"Of course we all hope that the construction of the application should reduce time and make it easier for budget users to plan and then get a budget and account for the budget," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani at the launch of the Renja-RKA synchronization, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, March 14.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that the synchronization of planning and budgeting was integrated and simplified the repetitive process so that bureaucratic reform occurred to accelerate and effectiveness of national development.

"The synchronization was launched from 13 processes to eight processes," he said.

Through this synchronization, the use of the APBN as a limited resource can really be allocated as effectively as possible in achieving national development priorities.

"The challenge for a country is how the budget is used as well as possible to achieve national goals," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa said planning and budgeting are very important aspects in the government system to achieve the goals of state development in delivering and ensuring that the allocation of state budget resources is achieved effectively.

"A separate process of planning and budgeting will certainly lead to deviation," he said.

Planning and budgeting of the Government of Indonesia is a cycle that is guided by principles, including the national development planning process which involves setting the design of the goal configuration and long-term development priorities for a country.

Then, the work plan and annual budgeting process include the determination of the annual budget based on the national medium-term development plan (RPJMN) and the ministry/institutional strategic plan.

Furthermore, the principles related to monitoring and evaluation are important components in the planning and budgeting process to ensure that the resources are allocated effectively and continuously to the desired destination.

In implementing these national development planning principles, Bappenas always strives to improve the quality of planning documents by emphasizing continuity between long-term, medium and annual planning, strengthening coordination between the central and regional governments, increasing transparency and accountability of the planning and budgeting process, and increasing monitoring of budget implementation evaluations.

"All of this we do to ensure that the planning documents have been compiled comprehensively and in line with development priorities and can be scientifically accounted for," he said.

Government Regulation (PP) Number 17 of 2017 concerning Synchronization of the National Development Planning and Budgeting Process mandates Bappenas and the Ministry of Finance to synergize annual planning and budgeting, with the aim of strengthening control of development programs to ensure government programs are planned and budgeted effectively.

"We hope of course that with this synchronization, transparency and accountability of the planning and budgeting process can be achieved and we will be consistent in maintaining the quality of spending and taking corrective steps in the implementation of development programs," he said.

According to him, the integration and synchronization will help the effectiveness of decision-making and planning and budgeting processes in the future.

"Thus, it will be integrated in one platform and the Renja-RKA synchronization feature (Work Plans and Budget), the data will flow in two directions to be able to check each other and recheck," he said.

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