JAKARTA - The government through the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is intensively conducting socialization of the distribution of 3 KG LPG right on target Phase I.

In his remarks, the Director of Downstream Oil and Gas Business Development Maompang Harahap stated that as mandated by the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 37.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2023 concerning Technical Guidelines for Distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Certain Rights Targeted, digital data collection will be carried out in stage I for target consumers.

"According to the provisions in the regulation, for 2023 there will only be data collection or matching of consumer data for 3 KG LPG users and then starting January 1, 2024, only those who have been registered can buy 3 KG cylinder LPG," said Maompang.

Furthermore, Maompang stated that during this registration period there were no restrictions and no additional requirements. People who will buy need to show their ID card and family card as the basis for registration and when the next purchase is sufficient by bringing their ID cards that have been recorded in the system.

On the same occasion, Migas Fuel Subsidy Coordinator Christina Megawati Sinaga said that as of March 1, 2023, the data collection process began to be carried out in 15 regencies/cities in five provinces. As for the details: 1. Banten Province- Tangerang City- Cilegon City

2. West Java Province- Banjar City- Cirebon City- Bogor City- Sukabumi City- Purwakarta Regency

3. Central Java Province - Semarang City - Magelang City - Tegal City - Salatiga City

4. East Java Province- Mojokerto City- Blitar City- Pasuruan City

5. Bali-Klungkung Regency

Furthermore, it is gradually implemented in all Regencies/Cities that have been converted by Land Oil to 3 KG LPG.

"For now, the policy remains in effect since March 1, 2023, at least 80 percent of sales to end users (meaning a maximum of 20 percent to retailers). If when consumers buy LPG 3 KG to Pangkalan they have not brought ID cards, then 3 Kg of LPG purchases can still be served and requested to bring ID cards when purchasing the next one," said Christina.

Pada sosialisasi tersebut, VP Retail LPG Sales PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Putut Andriatno menyampaikan bahwa sesuai dengan arahan Ditjen Migas untuk transformasi distribusi LPji 3 KG ini pihaknya telah melakukan uji coba sistem sejak tahun lalu.

"According to the direction of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, we have conducted a trial and have prepared the system," added Putut.

His party also said that socialization activities would be carried out to the regions so that distributors and distributors could immediately operate the MyPertamina Lite Merchant App application in their daily activities.

In line with this, PSO Planning & Budgeting Manager of PT Pertamina (Persero) Muhammad Yasir Arofat stated that Pertamina has followed up on the assignment to provide and Distribution of 3 KG Cylinder LPG Refills in 2023 as stated in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 12.K / HK.02 / DJM / 2023 with a volume of 8 million metric tons (MT) including 500 thousand MT reserves.

"Pertamina runs the Proper Subsidy program as an effort to support certain LPG Distribution Government Programs on target, with the initial stage of collecting data on 3 KG LPG users into web/application-based systems," concluded Yasir.

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