The dismissal of tax employee Rafael Alun Trisambodo alias RAT will certainly be completed in the next few days while waiting for the administrative process at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).

This was conveyed by the Spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance, Yustinus Prastowo.

According to him, the next process is the handling by law enforcement officials.

"We at the Ministry of Finance only from an administrative point of view, then to law enforcers such as the KPK," he told reporters on Wednesday, March 8.

According to him, the Ministry of Finance cannot follow up further on the dismissal of the RAT, such as the state's efforts to impoverish the person concerned.

The reason is, with the status of RAT as ASN, the regulations referred must be based on this.

"The ASN law does not regulate it (Impoverished)," he said when met in Jakarta on Wednesday, March 8.

Yustinus explained that his party still adhered to the applicable examination procedures.

"We'll wait later because this is still a process at the KPK," he said.

To note, Rafael Alun Trisambodo was fired as an ASN following the alleged ownership of jumbo assets.

He is also suspected of carrying out suspicious financial transactions over the past few years.

In fact, in the previous VOI report, RAT was recorded to have made transactions of up to hundreds of billions of rupiah.

The large wealth controlled by RAT was recorded at Rp56 billion.

In fact, this amount has not included a number of assets that were acquired because they were affiliated with other parties.

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