JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) together with railway stakeholders conducted inspections to various regions on the island of Java to check KAI's readiness from various aspects ahead of the 2023 Eid Transport.

The inspection activities are carried out for three days, starting from Monday, March 6 to Wednesday, March 8, 2023. This inspection trip is divided into two trips, namely the north and south routes of Java Island. The inspections for the north of Java start from Gambir Station to Cirebon, Semarang Tawang, Surabaya Pasar Turi, Ketapang, to Surabaya Gubeng.

As for the southern route, the trip starts from Gambir Station, Bandung, Purwokerto, Yogyakarta, Madiun, Surabaya Gubeng, Malang, Blitar, Kertosono, to Surabaya Gubeng.

KAI President Director Didiek Hartantyo said that Eid transportation is the peak season for transportation in Indonesia besides Christmas and New Year.

"We did this check to ensure that the train journey during the 2023 Eid Transport period will run safely, comfortably, safely, and healthily to its destination," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, March 8.

Didiek said inspections included the readiness of facilities and infrastructure, station facilities, readiness of human resources, and other supporting aspects.

"Locomotives, trains, and railway lines must be in reliable condition and ready for operation," he explained.

During these inspection activities, the KAI Directors and stakeholders also conveyed guidance to all KAI ranks across to provide the best service to the community ahead of the 2023 Eid Transport.

"I advise you to prioritize safety and service, five KAI safety cultures, namely complying with work procedures, briefing before work, using personal protective equipment, caring for the work environment, and reporting potential hazards must be applied especially ahead of Eid 2023 Transportation," he said.

In addition, Didiek asked that the service aspect must also continue to be improved so that customers get a memorable homecoming experience with trains.

Identification of Vulnerable Points

Didiek said that during the inspection trip, there were also identifications of vulnerable points that had to be guarded extra. KAI consistently anticipates the potential for vulnerable points consisting of flood, landslide, and subsidence.

Furthermore, Didiek said that KAI also alerted extra lane inspection officers, extra crossing gate guards, and postal officers for extra-prone areas.

In addition, KAI is preparing a crisis management strategy called AMUS (Alat, Material, For Alert). In addition to alerting a special field personnel team, this strategy also provides tools and materials that are placed along the railway line. This is intended if in an emergency, repairs can be made immediately," said Didiek.

Didiek said, KAI is committed to preparing its services as well as possible, especially during the Eid 2023 Transport period. KAI predicts that the surge in train customers during the Lebaran 2023 homecoming season will increase as soon as possible with the better handling of the Covid-19 outbreak and the opening of various mobility restrictions carried out by the government.

"The Eid Transport Period is a momentum where all KAI personnel will provide the best performance, we are trying to keep trains a favorite of the community during Eid homecoming," concluded Didiek.

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