The Directorate General of Budget (DJA) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) said that the presence of Government Regulation (PP) Number 6 of 2023 concerning budgeting ensures that national development can be sustainable.

Director of Harmonization of the Budgeting Regulation of the DJA of the Ministry of Finance Didik Kusnaini said this belief replaced PP Number 90 of 2010, which was more than a decade old.

"This is our effort in making adjustments along with new developments," he said in Jakarta on Tuesday, March 7.

According to Didi, several examples that occur in the field are related to the focus of development by involving the private sector.

"Like when there was a cooperation scheme between the government and business entities (KPBU). This is a form of innovation that has not been detailed regulated in the big legal umbrella," he said.

Another example is related to the spirit of the Ministry of Finance to prioritize the use of quality spending budgets.

"We continue to say that spending must be of high quality. But there are questions from outside, what kind of quality spending is? Therefore, the presence of PP 6 of 2023 allows to accommodate some of these changes," he said.

On the same occasion, the Director General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance Isa Rachmatarwata became a guide to be able to plan for the next few years.

"This could extend the budgeting horizon for the next three years," said Isa.

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