YOGYAKARTA Electric motorcycle brands receiving subsidies of IDR 7 million can be purchased by the public starting March 20, 2023.

This information was conveyed by the Minister of Industry Agus Guwiwang Kartasasmita in a press conference held in Jakarta on Monday, March 6, 2023. He said the sale of electric motorcycles that received subsidies would be officially released in the middle of this month.

"On March 20, this program will be able to run," he said on Monday, March 6.

Agus said the government would provide assistance of IDR 7 million for the sale of electric motorcycles. This subsidy is expected to raise sales of up to 200,000 units by the end of 2023.

So, what electric motorcycle brands can subsidize IDR 7 million from the government?

According to Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, there are three electric motorcycle brands that received subsidies of Rp. 7 million, namely Gesits, Volta, and Selis.

No Japanese motorcycle manufacturer has been included in the list of beneficiaries. Honda and Yamaha as the rulers of the national motorcycle market were absent.

"There are three for two wheels, namely Selis, Volta, and Gesits," Agus said in Jakarta.

Agus explained that these three manufacturers received assistance because they already have a domestically made electric motorbike. In addition, the Domestic Content Level (TKDN) is more than 40 percent.

He added that the electricity motor subsidy of IDR 7 million per unit will be distributed through the company, so that the selling price will be cheaper. This is to prevent subsidy money from being used as it should be.

"The subsidy is given to motorcycle manufacturers. So we control it easily to producers," said Agus.

The Minister of Industry said that this government aid distribution scheme was given to producers who registered their products that had met the requirements.

"After registering, the verification agency will check and collect data," said Agus.

Furthermore, the information will be brought to the Himbara bank (State-Owned Bank Association) as the institution that will channel government aid funds to producers.

Meanwhile, prospective buyers will first check the data to the system to ensure that the consumer is indeed a group of people who are entitled to subsidized electric motorbikes.

"Meanwhile, from the consumer side, they must come to the dealer with the willingness to be checked for a population identification number (NIK) if they want to buy. If after checking is registered, they will immediately get a discount," he said.

Dealer then inputs into the system to file a claim to Himbara. If it has been verified by Himbara, then the funds will be transferred to the producer (the dealer)," continued Pergiin.

On this occasion, the Minister of Industry also said that the public only had one opportunity to buy vehicles that received subsidies because they had to be based on one NIK.

"If someone buys it and then sells it, and buys it again, then (it can't be because) we have prepared the system and we believe this system is very ready," he said.

Specifications for Electric Motorcycle Brands Recipient of Subsidy Rp7 Million

Adapting from VOI, here are the specifications for Gesits, Volta, and Selis electric motorcycles that receive subsidies of IDR 7 million from the government:

This electric motor made in Indonesia was first introduced to the public at the Indonesia International Motor Show or IIMS 2019, which was held in April 2019.

This electric motorcycle brand is offered IDR 28 million. After receiving the subsidy, the price will drop to IDR 21 million.

The Gesits electric motorbike has 6.7 hp (horsepower) power and is equipped with a Lithium NCM battery with a capacity of 3kWh which is claimed to be capable of traveling up to 100 km per hour.

Volta has two electric motor products, namely Virgo and 401. Volta sells Virgo at a price of Rp. 18.5 million and 401 is priced at Rp. 12.8 million. The price of Virgo's electric motorcycle after being subsidized by the government is estimated at Rp. 11.5 million and Rp. 7.8 million for 401.

Virgo is claimed to have a distance of 65 km with one battery and 130 km for two batteries. This motorbike can be used at a maximum speed of 55 km per hour.

Meanwhile, Volta 401 has a distance of 60 km with one battery and 120 km with two batteries. The maximum speed is up to 60 km per hour.

Selis offers two electric motors for the Indonesian market, namely E-max SLA which sells for Rp. 11.499 million or becomes around Rp. 4.4 million after being subsidized, and Agats for Rp. 14.99 million or Rp. 7.9 million after getting incentives.

E-Max SLA electric motors can travel at a speed of 50 km per hour and cover a distance of 40 km. Meanwhile, Agats has a distance of 50 km and can be driven at a maximum speed of 60 km per hour.

This is information on the electric motorcycle brand receiving a subsidy of IDR 7 million. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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