JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani expressed a high commitment to updating and upholding discipline to her staff following various highlights that are now focused on the Ministry of Finance. This statement is getting more and more assertive in the age of the Minister of Finance inviting a number of anti-corruption activists and several figures to his office

"This disaster is a momentum for the cleaning and repair of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance," he said on Friday, March 3.

The state treasurer explained that his party received suggestions regarding aspects of value and philosophy to specifics regarding the improvement of regulations that give the authority to abuse discretion into corruption.

Then, there are also figures who provide advice on the focus of handling bribes, as well as strengthening supervision of employees and early detection of fraud risks. In addition, LHKPN analysis and compliance of employees and officials within the Ministry of Finance are also important things to pay attention to.

"We continue to fix and clean up the dirty ones. Thank you for all the support and input. Be a very meaningful spirit," he said.

VOI noted that Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani is known as a person who often optimizes a momentum/event to make changes or reforms that are fundamental in nature.

Some of the most recent examples are the establishment of the Financial Sector Development and Strengthening Law (P2SK) and the Central and Regional Financial Relations Law (HKPD).

The pair of regulations were actually ratified when they were faced with the extraordinary situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Minister of Finance, as a representative of the government, clearly played a major role in the birth of the P2SK Law and the HKPD Law.

The big question is the extent of the realization of Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani to carry out a clean sweep of individuals, such as RAT and ED, so that the Nagara Dana Rakca institution can achieve the trust and sympathy of the community (again)?

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