JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, reiterated its support for the construction of the Cirebon-Semarang (Cisem) natural gas transmission pipeline.

The CISEM Phase I section of Semarang - Batang is currently being built. The 20 gas pipeline along approximately 60 km has begun construction in May 2022 and is planned to be completed in August in 2023.

"The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is trying to fully support the construction of the CISEM Phase I which is completed on time. We have identified gas sources whose production can be channeled through this pipeline to meet the needs of the industry and the community," said Director General of Oil and Natural Gas Tutuka Ariadji to the media quoted on Friday, March 3.

Tutuka continued, the construction of the CISEM natural gas transmission pipeline is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) which aims to increase access to natural gas for the entire community and industry.

This transmission pipeline is expected to increase the accessibility of natural gas, most of which comes from gas fields in East Java, to Central Java to meet the needs of developing industries.

Just so you know, until March 1, 2023, the construction has reached 80.28 percent of the 79.12 percent plan.

Tutuka said that the CISEM transmission pipeline construction project was also a concern of President Joko Widodo and the general public. In order for the implementation to run smoothly, the Government hopes that the implementers in the field will not hesitate to convey the obstacles they face.

This visit to our work is to ensure that the project runs well and on time. If there is something that needs to be assisted by the Government, it should be conveyed immediately so that it can be followed up. We are one team, working with the same goal, namely meeting national needs. CISEM pipelines are not only needed by industry and society, but also the household gas network (jargas)," concluded Tutuka.

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