The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has officially issued a statement rejecting the resignation of Rafael Alun Rafael Trisambodo alias RAT from the status of the state civil apparatus (ASN).

This attitude was conveyed by the Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara during a press conference in Jakarta.

According to Suahasil, the decision to reject the resignation of RAT was because he was in the process of being investigated.

"Agawai who is in the process of being investigated cannot resign," he said on Wednesday, March 1.

Suahasil explained, this attitude is based on PP Number 11 of 2017 as amended in PP Number 17 of 2020 and also the regulation of the Head of BKN Number 3 of 2023.

"Therefore, the appointment for the resignation of the person concerned was rejected," he said.

RAT itself is being wrapped in problems related to ownership of assets classified as jumbo for the size of ASN.

The spotlight on RAT was triggered by the actions of his son who abused the child of a high-ranking GP Ansor into a coma.

The public also questioned the validity of the assets owned by the RAT.

Previously, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani had removed RAT from her position as a high official at the Directorate General of Taxes.

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