JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) stated that financial literacy is the key to protecting capital market investors. Especially, from fraud under the guise of investment.

IDX Development Director Jeffrey Hendrik said the main goal of financial education is not a strategy to make investors successful.

"But this is more about how we understand the capital market, anticipating risks," he said, quoting Antara, Tuesday, February 28.

He explained, literacy and financial education as an entry point develops financial management skills through the capital market investment business. Therefore, through this literacy and inclusion to better understand instruments, stocks, and risk management. Stock investment is one of the risky investments, but this investment can also accelerate financial goals, if the user understands risk management. "Anyone can take the floor on the stock market without having to spend big capital, and members of the PKK Mobilization Team have the potential to take advantage of this platform to increase the user's financial goals," he said. According to IDX data, the number of investors in the Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) stock exchange in 2022 experienced a significant increase of 17,406 single identification investors (SID), or an increase of 4,275 investors compared to 2021 which was only 13,131 SID, and seen from the statistics of the dominance of recorded investors in Palu City had 7,726 SID, followed by Banggai Regency 1,900 SID.

Then, the value of stock exchange transactions also increased rapidly by Rp7.6 trillion compared to 2021, only around Rp6.7 trillion, with such a transaction value, the interest of the public to take the floor on the capital market was very positive. "From this activity, 1,000 members of the Palu City PKK Mobilization Team were given access to securities accounts through PT Phintraco Sekuritas as IDX partners to be used on the stock exchange," he said. The opportunity also, IDX provided 550 packages of vegetable seed assistance to members of the PKK Mobilization Team to be developed in the hope of helping improve family economic resilience.

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