YOGYAKARTA In this article, Perry Warjiyo's profile will be discussed, the Governor of Bank Indonesia, who has served for five years and will enter his retirement period in May 2023.

According to Law Number 3 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia, BI candidates are proposed and then appointed by the President with the approval of the House of Representatives.

The President will propose a candidate for the Governor of BI who will then undergo a fit and proper test at Commission XI of the DPR before it is decided to be approved or not.

In this regard, President Joko Widodo is rumored to be proposing Perry again as a candidate for the Governor of the Central Bank.

According to a Reuters report, quoted on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, Perry is proposed for a term of office of the next five years. Jokowi said yesterday that he would announce the name of the candidate for the Governor of BI on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Perry Warjiyo is the Governor of Bank Indonesia for the 2018-2023 period. Previously, this position was occupied by Agus Martowardojo.

Perry's appointment as the Governor of BI is stated in Presidential Decree Number 70/P/2018 dated April 16, 2018.

Adapting the official website of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo was born in Sukoharjo, Central Java in 1959. After receiving a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta in 1982, Perry continued his education at Iowa State University until he won a Master's degree in 1989 and earned a Ph.D. in 1991.

Perry Warjiyo has a brilliant career at Bank Indonesia, especially in areas in economic research areas and monetary policy, international issues, organizational transformation and monetary policy strategy, education and research at the bank center, foreign exchange and debt management, as well as the head of the Bureau of Governors.

The positions that Perry has held include:

In 2009, Perry Warjiyo had held an important position for 2 years, namely as Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), representing 13 member states that are members of the South-East Asia Voting Group.

In addition to having a brilliant career, Perry also likes to write and publish books, journals, and papers in the fields of economics, monetary, and international issues.

At the end of his term as Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry is rumored to be re-nominated to become head of the Central Bank.

A Reuters source said President Jokowi would only propose Perry Warjiyo to undergo a fit and proper test at the House of Representatives (DPR).

This is information about Perry Warjiyo's profile, which is widely reported as the sole candidate for the Governor of BI. To get other interesting news, continue to see VOI.ID.

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