YOGYAKARTA The term leasing is often used in the business world related to finance. Leasing is also familiar to the public, especially those who buy vehicles on credit. Then what is leasing actually?

Leasing comes from English which means rental. In the business world, leasing is a term related to financing through the procurement of capital goods and assets intended for companies and individuals. These financing recipients are usually from businessmen who carry out business activities.

In Indonesia, leasing has a suitable business rental word (SGU), which means it is explained in the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 2009 concerning Financing Institutions.

In the Presidential Regulation, it is stated that the lease for business is a financing activity in the form of providing capital goods, either for business with option rights (finance lease) or lease for business without option rights (operating lease), to be used by lessee) with a period of time that is adjusted to periodic payments.

Thus it can be concluded that leasing is financing in the form of goods or capital whose payments are made in installments or disbursed within a certain period of time.

Leasing transactions involve four related parties, namely the following.

In practice, leasing is divided into four types that can be utilized by the community according to needs. The four types of leasing are as follows.

Operating Lease is a company that works by purchasing goods by lessors and then leases them to customers with a time span according to the agreement. Customers simply pay the rental price, so they don't need to buy goods. Meanwhile, the lessor will bear the purchase of goods and even taxes imposed on these items.

Capital Lease is a leasing company that comes from financial institutions. The company will provide capital or goods to customers. This company (lessor) will provide funds to pay for the goods needed by suppliers, then it will be handed over to tenants or lessee. However, lessee must make payments in installments within the period agreed previously.

Perusahaan ini biasanya dilakukan oleh perusahaan di bidang industri. Perusahaan akan melakukan penjualan barang produksi sendiri namun dengan mekanisme leasing, sehingga mereka mendapatkan dari harga jual dan bunga yang diberikan oleh lessee.

Leverage Lease is a company that carries out its activities involving third parties. The company will not provide 100 percent financing, usually only about 20 to 40 percent.

Excess Leasing for Business Actors

Leasing really helps business actors because it provides access to loans in the form of capital or goods. Some of the advantages of leasing are as follows.

Although it is widely utilized by business actors, there are several leasing shortages that should be known, namely as follows.

That's information related to what leasing is. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.

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