JAKARTA - Brand Holder Singles Agent (ATPM) believes that the growth of electric vehicles in Indonesia can increase significantly with the support from the government and also PT PLN (Persero).

Marketing and Sales Gesits, Almas Ikbar Alfiansyah expressed his pride for the work of the nation's children that can be enjoyed directly by the community. The enthusiasm of the good community even since 2019, the habit of fuel becoming electricity is very good and has begun to be realized.

"We are very confident that we can bring people more aware for the use of electric motorcycles. From an educational perspective, we really educate our community to show efficiency and easier in maintenance and maintenance," Almas said in a statement to the media, Tuesday, February 21.

Meanwhile, Chief Business Officer of Ilectra Motor Group (IMG), holder of the electric motorcycle brand, Putu Yudha, said that PLN is an important stakeholder to build an electric vehicle ecosystem. Therefore, support and cooperation with PLN is very important to support the progress of electric vehicles in Indonesia.

"Of course we see PLN as an important stakeholder in the electric vehicle ecosystem, and I hope this collaboration can continue to run well, and support each other for the progress of electric vehicles," said Putu Yuda when met at the 2023 Event IIMS.

Yudha is optimistic that the collaboration of various parties, including PLN, will increase people's confidence to use electric vehicles. Currently, said Yudha, the presence of electric motorcycles such as Alva has stolen attention as evidenced by the many questions from the public to IMG.

In line with Yudha, PT Hyundai Motors Indonesia's Head of Sales Planning Constantinus Herlijoso also expressed high optimism over the future of electric vehicles in Indonesia. Moreover, the government and PLN as stakeholders are important to provide great support for improving the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia.

Constantinus has experienced great support from PLN himself. According to him, the presence of PLN makes people more confident in buying electric vehicles. This is because PLN provides various conveniences, from the provision of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) to home charging facilities. Thanks to this support, Hyundai managed to sell around 2000 electric cars last year.

"Making consumers more confident, to increase power more easily, to ask for a connection and then install a charging station is easier. Consumer concerns for charging from home are now gone. So now everything is ready. PLN is ready," he said.

A sense of optimism for the electric vehicle industry in Indonesia was also expressed by PR Manager Wulling Indonesia Brian Gom Gom. According to him, the prospect for electric cars in Indonesia is huge. It can be seen from the data on the growth of electric cars so fast every year. In the period August to December 2022 alone, around 8,000 electric cars have been sold.

"So in 2023 it will be even faster because last year alone, in four months, 8000 units can be sold immediately, meaning an average of 2000 units," said Brian.

Therefore, it takes the role and support of all parties to support the electric vehicle industry in Indonesia so that it can grow even faster. PLN is currently successfully building various supporting infrastructures and providing various stimuli in accelerating the electric vehicle ecosystem.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo, explained that the number of electric vehicles in Indonesia continues to increase, both four-wheeled and two-wheeled, so that in building this ecosystem must continue to be carried out in collaboration with all parties.

"PLN cannot be alone, it needs collaboration from various parties to develop this electric vehicle ecosystem. We open the widest opportunity for cooperation in the SPKLU and SPBKLU franchises. We also have an Electric Vehicle Digital Services (EVDS) platform on PLN Mobile superapps that make it easier for electric vehicle users and electric vehicle manufacturers to interact," concluded Darmawan.

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