Purchase Of Solar Gas Stations In North Sulawesi Starting Tomorrow Mandatory Use A QR Code
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

MANADO - Purchasing diesel at all public refueling stations (SPBU) in North Sulawesi Province is required to use a QR Code starting February 21, 2023.

Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi Fahrougi said that the purchase of diesel JBT at all gas stations in North Sumatra starting tomorrow, Tuesday, February 21, 2023, must use a QR Code obtained through the right subsidy.mypertamina.id.

"Buying solar JBT using QR Code can be purchased according to the amount regulated in the regulation of BPH Migas," he said.

However, for people who have not registered in the right subsidy, Solar purchases are limited to a maximum of 20 liters per day and will regularly no longer be served if they do not have a QR Code.

He explained that the purchase of fuel in North Sulawesi province, precisely in 15 regencies and cities, must use a QR Code.

This is a follow-up to the subsidy registration right in North Sulawesi which has been carried out previously since August 2, 2022.

"The purchase using this QR Code will select who is entitled and does not have the right to receive subsidized fuel, so it is hoped that the distribution of subsidized fuel will be more targeted," he explained.

Based on the Decree of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Number 04/P3JBT/BPH Migas/Kom/2020 it is stated that for private vehicles, the four-wheeled vehicle charges 60 liters per day, 80 liters per day for passenger vehicles or four-wheeled goods and 200 liters per day for passenger vehicles or six-wheeled or more goods.

Fahrougi appealed to all people of North Sulawesi for those who do not have a QR Code to immediately register the vehicle in three ways, first register via the appropriate subsidy website.mypertamina.id.

Second, register through the MyPertamina application which can be downloaded on mobile phones based on Android or ios.

Third, if you encounter obstacles in the two ways above, then please visit the nearest gas station and gas station attendants will help you to get a QR Code.

Based on Pertamina data recorded as of February 16, 2023, 29,941 people had registered the right subsidy, including 22,575 Pertalite vehicles (gasoline engines) and 7,366 diesel vehicles (diesel engines) having succeeded in owning a QR Code.

This data shows that the right subsidy for fuel cannot be separated from the support of the government and the people of North Sulawesi who want the distribution of subsidized fuel to be right on target.

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