JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) provided assistance for Information on the Public Road of Solar Workers (PJU-TS) for the 2022 budget year for Banten Province as many as 425 units.

Director of EBT at the Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Andriah Feby Misna, detailed that of the 425 units were distributed to Tangerang Regency as many as 225 PJU-TS units, South Tangerang City as many as 100 units, and 100 more units in Tangerang City.

"The PJU-TS assistance program is a collaboration program of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Commission VII of the DPR and Regional Governments to provide lighting to people who do not have electricity or villages where there is no general street lighting," he said in an official statement, Thursday, February 16.

Feby emphasized that it is necessary to collaborate between Central and Regional Government agencies and the community because the source of funding for the PJU-TS program is the State Budget of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"We encourage that the use of APBN funds can really be utilized as optimally as possible for the community and can also be felt directly by the community," continued Feby.

Feby hopes that this program can provide great benefits for the community and provide comfort for their daily activities.

Furthermore, Feby informed, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2022 has built 20,546 PJU-TS units or equivalently lighting up a 1,027 km long road, spread across Indonesia.

Thus, the PJU-TS installation program that has been implemented by the Directorate General of EEBTKE from the 2015 to 2022 fiscal year with a total PJU-TS of 111,233 units or equivalently lighting up the 5,562 KM road.

Meanwhile, member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto hopes that the PJU-TS infrastructure assistance provided is well maintained so that it can provide more optimal benefits.

"The existing infrastructure assistance from the Central and regional governments as well as assistance from anywhere must be properly maintained," said Mulyanto.

Mulyanto added that the government and the Indonesian House of Representatives continue to try to channel the central budget to the regions.

"After the COVID-19 pandemic ends, hopefully the previous allocation for handling the pandemic can be diverted to other regions for other sectors," he explained.

Just so you know, the PJU-TS Installation program is an ESDM Ministry program through the aspirations of Commission VII DPR-RI with the support of local governments, as one of the solutions for electrical efficiency for lighting focused on rural roads, especially those that are difficult to reach PLN networks.

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