YOGYAKARTA The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) plans to propose criteria for consumers who can buy pertalite.

The proposal to provide purchase access submitted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also includes other subsidized fuel oil (BBM) in the form of kerosene, diesel subsidies, including the type of special fuel assignment (JBKP) or pertalite.

The proposal is contained in the revised plan of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution and Retail Selling Price of fuel. The submission itself has been carried out since the middle of last year and is currently still in the discussion stage.

Director General of Oil and Gas (Dirjen Migas), Tutuka Ariadji himself said that the Presidential Decree has not been regulated regarding who has the right to buy pertalite subsidy fuel. For this reason, his party proposes consumer criteria that can buy pertalite. Consumers who can buy pertalite are as follows.

As for the Presidential Decree regarding kerosene consumers (kerosene), Tutuka explained that the old rules did not change. Consumers are allowed to buy kerosene based on the old rules, namely as follows.

Meanwhile, the criteria for consumers who can buy fuel in the form of subsidized diesel are as follows.

The proposal regarding the limitation of consumer criteria in purchasing pertalite or other subsidized fuel is based on several reasons.

According to Tutuka, the regulation of buyers of certain types of fuel (JBT) and JBKP is very urgent. The reason is, currently everyone has the right and is free to buy Pertalite fuel to fill in their vehicles. Therefore, purchases must be limited so that the quota that has been determined by the Government remains sufficient.

The Government's State Budget itself has set the JBT diesel quota of 17 million KL, while the kerosene quota of 500 thousand KL. The JBKP quota in 2023 reached 32.56 million KL (up 10.38 percent).

If there is no revision of Presidential Decree No. 191 of 2014, it is likely that there will be an over quota of JBT diesel and JBKP pertalite.

"So it is necessary to arrange users through revisions so that consumption control and subsidies can be right on target," he explained.

Regarding the proposal, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources still has not received approval to continue the revision of Presidential Decree 191/2014. In January 2023, the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg) also still needs input directions on the sustainability of the initiative permit to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The decision was taken during a clarification meeting on the request for an initiative permit on January 31, 2023.

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