YOGYAKARTA - Reduction of air pollution has been the focus of the Indonesian government since the last few times. One of them is by implementing a vehicle emission test? What is a vehicle emission test?

The implementation of vehicle emission tests is implemented by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The regulation is contained in Governor Regulation Number 66 of 2020 concerning Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission Tests signed by the Governor of DKI Jakarta at that time, namely Anies Baswedan.

Every motorized vehicle that is more than three years old is required to test exhaust emission and meet the emission threshold. The emission test is carried out at least once a year.

Meanwhile, vehicles violating emission tests will be subject to fines. However, there are still many people who do not know what emission tests are.

Emission tests are one of the efforts to check the performance of vehicle engines and combustion efficiency. The test was carried out to determine the feasibility of disposal rates in vehicles, whether it affects the level of air pollution.

The implementation of emission tests is in line with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The test has special provisions for several types of vehicles to meet the criteria. The output of this test is to have a good impact on the environment and the health of the vehicle itself.

There are standard standards and provisions for types of vehicles to pass emission tests. The main standard for vehicle emissions must comply with the provisions in the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 05 of 2006 or refer to the respective Regional Regulations that regulate emission tests more specifically.

For gasoline-fueled vehicles with idle conditions, emission testing refers to SNI 09-7118.1-2005. Meanwhile, for diesel-fueled vehicles with free acceleration conditions, testing refers to SNI 7118-2:2008.

For example, cars with gasoline fuel produced under 2007 are required to have CO2 levels below 3 percent based on DKI Pergub No. 66 of 2020. Meanwhile, artificial vehicles above 2007 must have CO2 levels of not exceeding 1.5 percent.

Meanwhile, for two motorbikes, it is not mandatory to have HC levels of no more than 12,000 ppm. While the four motorbikes are not required to have HC levels of 2,400 ppm. The motorcycle specials 4 and 2 not produced above 2010 must have a maximum CO2 of 4.5 percent and HC 2,000 ppm.

For cars with diesel fuel produced above 2010, they must have a 40 percent occupancy rate. Meanwhile, those produced under 2010 must have an occupancy rate of no more than 50 percent.

Testing of vehicle emissions has several benefits for both the environment and humans or their gendara. Here are a number of benefits from emission tests.

One of the benefits of emission testing is to protect the environment, especially in terms of air cleanliness. Vehicles that pass emission tests can minimize air pollution so that they contribute to maintaining clean air.

Another benefit of emission testing is to prevent vehicle damage. By submitting this, you can find out the condition of the vehicle engine. You can tell if the engine performance is still optimal and can make repairs if there is damage or problems with the vehicle.

The application of emission tests is also useful for obeying the rules. If you do not carry out emission tests according to the rules, then you will be fined according to article 284 and article 286 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. The fine for cars is a maximum of IDR 500,000, while for motorcycles is a maximum of IDR 250,000.

Vehicle emission tests can be carried out in workshops, dealers, and other places that have special tools for testing. When tested, engine performance can be detected through a monitor to find out whether engine waste levels are feasible with air pollution levels.

The costs required to carry out emission tests are quite varied. Testing of emissions on cars costs between Rp. 150,000 to Rp. 200,000. However, this price is very dependent on the tariff set by the dealer or emission test workshop. Meanwhile, vehicle emission tests are charged with range costs such as car emission tests.

Thus, a review of what is a vehicle emission test and its benefits. The application of vehicle emission tests must be obeyed because it has been regulated in the respective laws and regional regulations. Emission tests are beneficial for the environment and human life.

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