JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani is known to meet Police Generals in Jakarta on an official agenda.

It was stated that the state treasurer came to express the government's views while at the same time giving appreciation for the active role of the Police in helping to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The role of the Police in the pandemic is extraordinary. Doing things that are really outside of its main duties and functions," he said at the 2023 National Police Leadership Meeting (Rapim) quoted from the Ministry of Finance's website on Friday, February 10.

According to Sri Mulyani, Bhayangkara ranks contributed greatly to the discipline of health protocols in the community, the implementation of PSBB/PPKM, vaccination programs, to Polri hospitals which were one of the references in handling COVID-19 patients.

In addition, there was also a police role in helping to distribute direct cash assistance to street vendors, stalls, and fishermen, as well as distributing cash assistance for cooking oil.

"Thanks to the role of the National Police, Indonesia is able to deal with the pandemic better," he said.

Diia added, not all countries are able to optimize police institutions to work together to balance aspects of health, social, political, and financial economy properly.

The National Police is an inherent and even reliable institution to carry out various steps that are humanitarian and health in nature. How should the state suddenly not have socio-economic activities, if this cannot be properly sewn, the country must be experiencing turmoil," he said.

Citing information released by the Ministry of Finance, it is known that the National Police in 2023 has a budget plan of IDR 107.7 trillion.

This figure consists of an allocation for operational expenditure of IDR 64.6 trillion and non-operational expenditure of IDR 43.1 trillion.

Meanwhile, in 2022, the institution led by General Listyo Sigit Prabowo was recorded to have received a budget allocation of IDR 106.9 trillion from the previous IDR 111 trillion due to automatic adjustment.

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