JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara in the middle of this week made a working visit to the Aruk Cross-Border Post (PLBN) in Sebunga Village, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan.

During his visit, he said that the border area is the presence of the face of the Republic of Indonesia which must be well maintained.

"We make sure that our borders are managed neatly, guarded, then we manage them so that they can become the pride of Indonesia. So that the border area is not the outermost area, but the next region," he said in a press release, Friday, February 10.

According to Suahastic, PLBN Aruk is a national gateway that connects Indonesia and Malaysia. From an economic perspective, the existence of these important facilities becomes strategic as an export-import gateway between the two countries.

He said, various service routines have been running, ranging from customs and excise services, health, fisheries, and agriculture quarantine posts, immigration, health institutions, and the National Border Management Agency (BNPP).

Sri Mulyani's subordinate also said that the APBN was present by financing infrastructure development in border areas so as to provide benefits for people who encourage the economy.

"We see that the road to Aruk is very proud. Going up and down the hill, going wide, is very comfortable. In fact, it makes us all proud. I believe this can all bring benefits in the local economy," said the Deputy Minister of Finance.

Suahasil added that Aruk PLBN and existing facilities must be maintained and managed properly through synergy and collaboration, both from Customs, related ministries and institutions, to local governments. He also advised his staff to continue to maintain integrity in carrying out their duties.

"We want the goods that enter Indonesia to be healthy, clean goods, goods that we can really be held accountable for. Meanwhile, from Indonesia to the outside, we make sure we can export goods as well. Therefore, one of the tasks of Customs and Excise is to encourage and facilitate exports. Guarding borders is a form of protecting our beloved Indonesia, "concluded the Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil.

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