Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the TNI has a very strategic role in maintaining Indonesia's defense and security. According to the Minister of Finance, the TNI also played an important role in extraordinary situations such as the pandemic.

"Indonesia has a strong TNI, strong army, which functions in accordance with the mandate of the law, namely maintaining people's sovereignty, maintaining integrity, protecting all nations and countries and bleeding," he said in a written statement quoted on Friday, February 10.

The Minister of Finance said that the relatively well-maintained momentum for economic recovery also had the role of the TNI in it.

"The TNI clearly has its own role to ensure the stability of security that is urgently needed in economic activities. In us, the 2023 State Budget will maintain how Indonesia's economic foundations are getting better, improving the quality of human resources, infrastructure, and agencies that have such an important role," he said.

The state treasurer ensures support through the APBN budget allocation to support various operations and coaching and improve the quality of human resources, including in terms of equipment.

"We continue to support the budget. Of course we all hope that in terms of the ability to absorb the budget used for the welfare of soldiers, operations and training, maintenance, to help or buy new tools. We will always support it in terms of financing and now the financing is quite sophisticated," he stressed.

It is currently known that the government has allocated a large budget for the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) in the 2023 budget year APBN. The Minister of Finance wants support, synergy, and cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and the TNI in order to manage state finances, including in overseeing state revenues.

"This is our common task to protect Indonesia and we will be happy to continue to synergize with the TNI in protecting Indonesia," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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