JAKARTA - PT Sang Hyang Seri Member of ID FOOD has prepared more than 18,500 tons of rice seeds. This is for the readiness of the next planting season.

This member of the Food Holding BUMN engaged in agriculture sees the readiness to distribute seeds that can reach a land area of up to 740,000 hectares is PT Sang Hyang Seri's strategy to make it easier for farmers to get seeds that are officially certified so that their cultivation can grow optimally.

"In facing this planting season, we are ready to spread seeds to almost 24 provinces in Indonesia. This is also a strategy that can increase our national food productivity, not to be lacking," said PT Sang Hyang Seri President Director Adhi Cahyono Nugroho quoting Between.

Adhi emphasized that in facing the planting season, rice seeds must not be lacking and have good quality and must be maintained because rice seeds are the initial foundation in cultivation and will affect the quality of the yields of the rice plants themselves.

"So that with good quality and affordable for fellow farmers, I am optimistic that this planting season will be a good blessing for all," he said.

The rice seeds will be divided into two distributions. First, through the demand for commercial markets through agricultural kiosks and from the Ministry of Indonesia or the Regional Agriculture Service through the e-Catalog of Padi Seeds program from the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP).

This strategy was chosen by PT Sang Hyang Seri so that the seeds can compete with other products by providing good seed distribution prices, quality, services, and capabilities to reach farmer groups throughout Indonesia.

The second distribution method is through agricultural kiosks spread across almost 24 provinces in Indonesia so that farmers can use seeds from PT Sang Hyang Seri easily and of course with the best quality.

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