JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation continues to encourage local governments (Pemda) to realize good public transportation in their respective regions.

In addition to facilitating community mobility, this is necessary to reduce the high inflation rate in the transportation sector.

Director of Road Transportation of the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) Suharto indicated that the public should not re-elect candidates for regional heads who do not facilitate their citizens with public transportation.

"Again, this is a little bit about the issue of regional elections in the near future. This regional head is elected by the people, who need services are actually the people, where the people propose to the local government. If it happens that the people have asked for it, but the regional head does not accommodate it, don't be elected anymore," he said in a Forwahub discussion, in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 7.

Suharto emphasized that public transportation is an important thing for the community and it must be implemented by the regional government in accordance with Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

"The road transportation law in Articles 138 and 139 has been clearly stated that local governments are required to provide safe, comfortable and affordable public transportation," he said.

Therefore, Suharto said, if there are local governments who do not understand how to build good public transportation. So, he continued, the role of the community is needed.

"Or maybe if the government doesn't understand it, people tell the local government, this is the job of the regional head to provide services. Because with this (good transportation) inflation will decrease. Now, inflation continues to rise because there is no public transportation," he explained.

According to Suharto, community control is very important to the tasks of the local government, especially those concerning public transportation. He said, moral sanctions from residents were very influential.

"Social and moral sanctions, that's much more important," he said.

For your information, the Indonesian people are very aware of the importance of the role of public transportation for their respective regions.

In fact, discussions related to the public transportation system are currently starting to be discussed a lot on social media.

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