JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) released the Industrial Trust Index (IKI) for the January 2023 period.

The Ministry of Industry said that in January 2023, IKI reached 51.54 percent when compared to December 2022, which was only 50.07, an increase of 0.64.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics (ILMATE) of the Ministry of Industry, M Arifin, said the industry in the ILMATE sector showed a fairly positive increase.

"Based on IKI, the ILMATE fostered industry represents expansionary competitiveness and optimism. This increase can accelerate overall economic growth," Arifin told reporters, Wednesday, February 1.

This increase in performance can be seen from the basic metal industry sector. The value of IKI in this sector has increased due to several things, such as infrastructure and construction projects.

Then, it is also driven by the supply of metal ore as industrial raw material as well as exports of nickel and aluminum commodities.

Next, there is the metal goods industry sector, not machinery and equipment, showing a fairly good improvement in IKI's achievements for the January 2023 period.

"Mesanan yang saat ini selalu tumbuh, baik itu domestic maupun di luar negeri. Hal ini juga didorong dari industri yang optimistic dan berhasil naik dari COVID-19 dan kondisi produk industri di pasar yang masih stabil," jelas Arifin.

Then, the machinery and equipment industry also increased significantly compared to the previous year.

This is driven by the optimism of entrepreneurs with the easing of community activities, resulting in an increase in work productivity.

This increase in industry is driven by mining, construction and plantation industries, including foreign demand.

The electricity equipment industry sector has also increased due to domestic orders and equipment needs, even in early February it is expected to increase even more.

"motorized vehicles are also very extraordinary growing, I think this is a response to policies issued by the government through PPnBM, so that there is an increase in orders from consumers, both domestic and foreign," said Arifin.

"That will also encourage the growth of demand for this vehicle," he continued.

The transportation sector also increased significantly compared to last year, this was due to new orders and an increase in product inventory volume.

Even so, there are several industrial sectors that are still experiencing contractions in 2023, such as the computer and electronic goods industry sector, as well as the repair, machinery and equipment service industry sector.

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