JAKARTA The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) unit in DKI Jakarta reported that the realization of regional revenue and APBN grants until December 31, 2022 reached IDR 1,375.7 trillion or 118.4 percent of the target.

Head of the General Section of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of DKI Jakarta, Ministry of Finance, Arinto Sujatmono, said that in terms of expenditure, Rp663.3 trillion or 92.7 percent of the ceiling was absorbed.

"This has an impact on regional surplus of IDR 712.4 trillion or 159.8 percent of the target," he said in a written statement quoted on Friday, January 27.

According to Arinto, the inflation rate is also quite good, maintained at the level of 0.55 percent month to month (mtm), 4.21 percent year to data (ytd), and 4.21 percent year on year (yoy).

"With the government's repeal of the PPKM policy, it has had a significant impact on increasing commodities and economic recovery from various sectors," he said.

Arinto explained that the increase in revenue was supported by the realization of taxation of 52 percent due to the surge in Article 25 of PPh, Article 21, PPh 22 Imports, and Domestic VAT which was in line with the increase in post-pandemic economic activity.

There was also the realization of Customs and Excise which increased by 34 percent due to the increase in the volume of imports of major commodities. Meanwhile, Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) contracted by 56.6 percent compared to the same period in 2021," he said.

Meanwhile, for spending, there was a total decline yoy. Even so, there was an increase in employee spending and consecutive capital expenditures by 7.5 percent and 2.7 percent compared to the same period the previous year.

"To maintain the momentum of recovery in various sectors while still prioritizing the balance between health and the economy in the DKI Jakarta area, through the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN). Until December 31, 2022, the government has realized funds of IDR 6.35 trillion for health clusters and community clusters," he said.

Arinto added, at the end of last year there was an increase in revenue from the large trade sector in line with the increase in transactions that occurred, including the existence of Christmas and New Year celebrations which resulted in an increase in trading volume.

On the side of receiving Import Duty at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) Jakarta, the increase is quite significant from month to month.

In addition, the imposition of tariffs on auction fees for sellers and buyers of up to 0 percent is expected to provide encouragement on the development of the auction as an instrument of buying and selling.

As for the expenditure side, there is an increase in the realization of spending on ministries/agencies to complete programs that are national priorities, including payment of hospital claims, incentives for health workers, providing social assistance to the community.

Then, the construction of tidal flooding in Ancol, the construction of a rail double line, the construction of pioneering sea transportation, and other national priority programs.

"The economy of DKI Jakarta in 2022 will strengthen and become valuable capital to anticipate challenges in 2023," he concluded.

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