JAKARTA - Diplomat Success Challenge (DSC) has completed a series of programs in 2022. The largest entrepreneurial ecosystem and competition in Indonesia that has existed since 2010, has again become a home for challengers who have succeeded in obtaining business capital grants.

The selection process until the final of the judging has been running since June 2022. On the final night celebration through webseries on the official YouTube channel Diplomat Sukses, six challengers were selected who managed to get business capital grants; Dara Zam Chairyah (Danger-inD), I Kadek Karya Yoga Utama (RDNB Jewelry), Hedar (Nasi Kulit Syurga), Diva Velda Hanifa (OhMyGethuk), Yessie Natasa Maremi (YoRRI Eaty), and Best of the Best DSC 2022, Ria Ellysa with an innovative business ready-to-drink meal, namely OTERRA.

In addition to recipients of business capital grants, special awards as Most Potential Business were successfully intercepted by Yodan Tunggul Pranata (Troya Academic Platform) and Muhammad Fikri (Indonesian Ice Cream House).

The 2022 DSC finalists will have the opportunity to provide business assistance from DSC for the next 2 years, and officially join the Diplomat Entrepreneur Network (DEN) entrepreneurial network.

"We are grateful, in the 13th anniversary of DSC, it will increasingly show its existence, not only as an entrepreneurial incubator, but as an integrated entrepreneurial ecosystem and can become a benchmark for the economic growth of our beloved country. Congratulations to the challengers who received the business capital grant. We are waiting for your breakthrough in real terms," said President Director of PT Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk, Ronald Walla, Tuesday, January 24.

Since the opening of registration on June 8, 2022 until it closed on September 19, 2022, a total of 23,657 DSCs have won a total of 23,657 registrants. In the DSC event in the past few years, the Food & Beverage (F&B) business category continues to dominate. Even this year, DSC 2022 received more than 40 percent of the F&B business, which means that this business category is still an option for people who want to be entrepreneurs.

"In 2022, DSC will see many innovative and creative F&B products. It is evident from the 8 finalists of DSC 2022, no less than 5 finalists are F&B business categories, both in packaging and restaurant formats. Not only in terms of innovation and creativity, several products of the challengers this year also bring solutions to problems that exist in society. This benefit is what we want to continue to present through DSC, through the work of the challengers every year," said the chairman of the Board of Commissioners and Founding Father DSC, Surjanto Yasaputera.

The Best of the Best DSC 2022 award also fell into the F&B business category, namely OTERRA which was produced by Ria Ellysa. OTERRA is a Ready-to-Drink Meal product or food replacement drink made from environmentally friendly superfood. OTERRA is present as a fast and easy nutritional solution, which can be consumed every day, and can even be consumed as a detoxification for some digestive problems.

According to Coach DSC 2022, Andanu Prasetyo who is also the CEO of the MAKA Group and Founder of the Tuku Coffee Shop, many new entrepreneurs have made their business debuts through the F&B category because in terms of business models it is easier to imagine the end-to-end process.

"Because of this convenience, competition in the world of F&B will continue to be challenging. However, rest assured with the increasing number of players, the bigger the market size of this business will be. Therefore, find product differentiation. Build a strong brand and narrative. Don't be afraid to look for opportunities from the F&B business," said Andanu.

To be able to survive in this very unified F&B business market scenario, of course OTERRA must develop on many sides of business, especially in building brand awareness and message that can be well received by the public.

"Therefore, OTERRA is very grateful to be able to join the DSC where we have learned many new and crucial things for future business development," said Ria Ellysa, CEO & Co-founder of OTERRA.

Ria Ellysa with her business OTERRA was appointed as Best of the Best DSC 2022, the award was immediately handed over by Ronald Walla, President Director of PT Wismilak Intimakmur Tbk.

Furthermore, regarding the motivation to participate in the 2022 DSC and future business plans after obtaining a business capital grant, Ria, as soon as she was greeted, expressed her pride.

"We will use the business capital grants obtained by OTERRA to strengthen brand awareness, build communities, and develop research & development of new products," concluded Ria further.

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