JAKARTA - Through a problem inventory list (DIM) submitted to the DPR, the Government has finally revoked power steering from the Draft New Renewable Energy Law (RUU EBT). Just so you know, power steering is a mechanism that allows private companies Independent Power Producers (IPP) to build power plants and sell stuns to household and industrial customers. Sales of IPP stuns by using PLN's distribution and transmission network through Open source by paying the fee set by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Energy economy expert Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Fahmy Mizi welcomed the government's decision to revoke the mechanism. He assessed that the application of power steering has the potential to increase the burden on the state's budget. "The reason is that power steering will erode the demand for PLN organic customers by up to 30 percent, and non-organic customers by up to 50 percent," he told the media, quoted Monday, January 23. The decline in the number The PLN customers, he continued, in addition to being able to increase the excess supply of PLN, also increase the cost of electricity supply (HPP). "The impact is that it can swell the APBN's burden to pay compensation to PLN as a result of PLN's electricity tariffs below HPP and economic prices," he added. Fahmi continued, power steering also has the potential to harm the people as consumers, with the determination of electricity rates that are submitted to the market mechanism. With power steering, the determination of electricity rates is determined by demand and supply, when demand is high and supply is fixed, electricity tariffs will definitely be increased. "Power wheeling is a liberalization of electricity that violates Article 33 paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution that: production branches that are important for the state and those that control the lives of many people are controlled by the state'," he explained. He added that power steering is actually an unfunding pattern regulated in Law no. 20/2002 on Electricity. The unfunding pattern is already canceled by the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK). Then the decision Number 111/PUU-XIII/2015 of the Constitutional Court decided that the unfunding in electricity was not in accordance with the 1945 Constitution. Then the law was replaced by Law No.30/2009, by eliminating the article "power steering has the potential to harm the state and burden the people and violate the 1945 Constitution, the Constitutional Electricity and Decree of the Constitutional Court, the withdrawal of the power steering article from the EBT Bill is a very appropriate step. "Furthermore, all parties "We must participate in overseeing the process of discussing the EBT Bill so that it is in accordance with the DIM, so that there is no more smuggling of stealth articles similar to power steering that is not in accordance with the DIM," he concluded.

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