YOGYAKARTA The central government has decided to continue the Pre-Employment Card program in 2023 with several policy adjustments.

There are at least six changes to the 2023 Pre-Employment Card program compared to the previous program.

Quoted from me Instagram @prakerja.go.id, the Coordination Meeting of the Job Creation Committee has decided that the Pre-Employment Card program will continue in the first quarter of this year with a normal scheme.

This is in line with Presidential Regulation Number 113 of 2022 whose implementation rules are contained in the Regulation of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Number 17 of 2022.

So, what are the changes to the 2023 Pre-Employment Card program?

1. Pre-Employment Card Not Social Assistance Program

Since it was realized in 2020 to 2022, the Pre-Employment Card program has carried out dual missions as a program to improve workforce competence and social assistance, thus becoming a semi-social assistance program.

"Starting in 2023, the Pre-Employment Card program will only focus on improving the competence of the workforce," reads the statement on the Instagram account @prakerja.do.id, quoted by VOI Monday, January 16, 2023.

2. Bansos Recipients Can Register for the Pre-Employment Card Program

Because the Pre-Employment Card program is no longer a semi-social assistance program, recipients of government assistance such as the Family Hope Program (PKH), Productive Assistance for Micro Enterprises (BPUM), Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU), and others can register for Pre-Employment in 2023.

3. Larger Benefit Values

The total number of benefits that will be received by participants who pass the Pre-Employment Card Program is more than before, which is IDR 4.2 million.

The details are as follows:

4. There are Online and Bauran Training options

The fourth change in the 2023 Pre-Employment Card program, namely, training will not only take place online, but there are offline (outline) and mix training options.

Online training (online) can be accessed from all over Indonesia. Meanwhile, offline training and the first phase of the mix will focus on 10 provinces.

The provinces that are included in the offline and elementary training options are:

5. Online Training No longer Forms Videos

Online training on normal schemes will take the form of a webinar directly. This is different from the previous one who only watched videos.

6. Standard Minimum Training Time

The minimum standard of training will be increased to 15 hours. Previously, the minimum duration of training time was only carried out for 6 hours.

"The standard training time is longer to ensure that the knowledge obtained by the beneficiaries is truly comprehensive and more qualified," reads the statement on the pre-employment.go.id account.

For your additional information, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said that the 2023 Pre-Employment Card program will be opened in the first quarter of this year.

"This training gradually begins in ten provinces and this is the opening of the first batch to be carried out in the first quarter of 2023," said Airlangga as quoted from the official website of the Cabinet Secretariat.

This is information related to changes to the 2023 Pre-Employment Card program. Hopefully it will be useful!

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