JAKARTA - The Public Company of the Logistics Affairs Agency (Perum Bulog) ensures that imported rice will enter entirely until the end of February.

Thus, the imported rice will not interfere with the farmers' harvest rice. Especially considering that March to April the main harvest took place domestically.

Director of Supply Chain and Public Services, Perum Bulog Mokhamad Suyamto said, according to the permit from the Ministry of Trade, imported rice must arrive no later than February 28.

As is known, Bulog was assigned to import 500,000 tons of rice.

The delivery of the first rice has been carried out since December 2022. Currently, the rice has entered as much as 120,000 tons.

"So we will make sure imported rice comes before the main harvest. So according to the permit from the Ministry of Trade, at least 28 February has arrived," he told reporters at Bulog Warehouse, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Friday, January 13.

Suyamto explained that Bulog could not deliver imported rice at once.

This is because it takes time from delivery to demolition at the Indonesian port.

Therefore, continued Suyamto, Bulog must reorganize the rhythm of the delivery of imported rice.

Moreover, said Suyamto, if there is a buildup in the load and unloading area, the costs incurred will be greater.

It takes time for the demolition in Priok, in Merak it can't be done all at once. This means that we have to adjust the rhythm. Because if it accumulates in the loading and unloading here, it's anti-cost high. So we are waiting. Regulate the partnership so that everything runs smoothly," he explained.

Meanwhile, Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo Adi emphasized that the implementation of rice imports must stop during the main harvest season from March to April.

Then the stock here (Government Berad or CBP) is released for stabilization. If this is not released, Bulog next year will have stock this year. We don't want that, we want to change it," said Arief.

Furthermore, Arief said, the distribution of CBP will reduce rice prices at the consumer level. Bulog was also urged to immediately pour rice at a price of Rp. 8,200 to Rp. 8,900 per kilogram (kg).

So that rice at the consumer level can slope to Rp9,450 per kg.

Before the harvest, we want clearance to be completed. Then when the Bulog harvest is absorbed. Later, the stabilization will be shifted, not downstream, but at the farmer level. Because if Bulog doesn't absorb, the price will fall," he said.

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