JAKARTA - Director General (Dirjen) of Taxes Suryo Utomo revealed that the number of taxpayers (WP) who have submitted the 2022 tax annual notification letter (SPT) report reached 203,538 taxpayers.

According to him, the figure consists of 194,122 private taxpayers and 9,416 taxpayers of business entities.

"The final deadline for submitting SPT is private people until March 31, 2023, while SPT is a business entity until April 30, 2023," he said in a media briefing in Jakarta on Tuesday, January 10.

Suryo detailed that private taxpayers are dominated by people who earn less than IDR 60 million per year (SPT 1770 SS) as many as 104,145 taxpayers.

Then the income community of more than Rp. 60 million per year (SPT 1770 S) is around 73,389 WP. And people who have income from free business activities/work (SPT 1770) as many as 16,588 WP.

"Meanwhile, reports from business entities SPT 1771 totaling 9,363 taxpayers and SPT 1771 USD as many as 20 taxpayers," he said.

For information, taxpayers who are absent in SPT reporting can be subject to sanctions in the form of a fine of Rp. 100,000 to Rp. 1 million in accordance with Law Number 28 of 2007 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures (KUP).

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