JAKARTA - The Product Certification Institute (LSPro) belonging to PT Surveyor Indonesia, located in Sentul, Bogor, West Java, has received a certificate of accreditation of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). The fulfillment of this accreditation is proof of competence as an Assessment Institution that consistently applies SNI ISO/IEC 17065:2012 as a general requirement for product, process, and service certification institutions.

The LSPro scope of PT Surveyor Indonesia includes eight lubricant products consisting of seven mandatory SNI lubricant products and one lubricant product with SNI Sukarela.

The eight lubricant products are oil lubricated motorcycle gasoline four steps motorized vehicle (SNI 7069.1), oil lubricated motorcycle gasoline four steps motorcycles (SNI 7069.2), oil luas motor gasoline two steps with air conditioning (SNI 7069.3), oil luas motor gasoline two steps cooled water (SNI 7069.4), high rotational diesel motor lumass oil (SNI 7069.5), lumbus metal rods transmission manual and gardan (SNI 7069.6), automatic transitional lumass oil (SNI 7069.7), and Ar'us-type ornamental lubricant oil (SNI 7069.9).

"Indonesian Surveyor Product Certification Institute was formed to support Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Industrial Sector. In this PP, it is stated that product certification institutions must have accredited test laboratory based on SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017," said PT Surveyor Indonesia President Director, M. Haris Witjaksono, in his statement, Saturday, January 7.

Haris added that LSPro Surveyor Indonesia has been supported by its own lubricant quality test laboratory and has also received accreditation from KAN since 2019 after the enactment of Minister of Industry Regulation Number 25 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Mandatory Implementation of SNI.

The lubricant quality test laboratory owned by PT Surveyor Indonesia has an area of 1,530 m2 with a two-story building, consisting of testing the characteristics of chemical physics (21 SNI) and testing the fullest lubricant work performance parameters, testing equipment using the latest technology and fast service, mastering 75 % lubricant test market.

With the existence of the Product Certification Institute and the Luminous Quality Test Laboratory, PT Surveyor Indonesia is ready to support the Government's policy to maintain the quality of lubricant products circulating in the country from attacks by quality lubricant products through the mandatory and voluntary implementation of SNI.

"This accreditation is proof that the competence of LSPro and the Laboratory of PT Surveyor Indonesia has met the requirements that can increase customer confidence. We are optimistic that the existence of the LSPro and the Pelumas Quality Test Laboratory can help and encourage the domestic lubricant industry to develop higher. Together we oversee the application of the Luminous SNI to encourage competitiveness of the national industry and guarantees of consumer interest," said Haris.

Supported by auditor personnel, laboratory analysts, model takers and laboratory technicians who are competent and experienced in the field of lubricant certification and quality testing, LSPro and the Surveyor Indonesia Laboratory are committed to guaranteeing product quality and product security for consumers and continuing to increase customer confidence by providing excellent service, report accuracy, fast certification process and competitive price.

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