Investment realization that entered Madiun City, East Java, in 2022 was recorded at IDR 214 billion, exceeding the set target of IDR 193 billion.

"The growth of investment in our city of Madiun is quite promising. Big investors are looking at the potential of this city," said Mayor Madiun Maidi as quoted by Antara, Friday, January 6.

According to him, related OPD data states that the majority of investments were contributed from the trade sector. According to data, around 60 percent of investment realization in 2022 was contributed by the trade sector.

"The rest, contributed from the hotel, restaurant, and other service businesses," he said.

Based on the records of the Madiun City DPMPTSP, the realization of investment throughout 2022 which reached IDR 214 billion was a surplus of IDR 21 billion from the target of IDR 193 billion.

This condition has increased from the realization of investment that will enter in 2021. Namely, in 2021 it will be realized Rp202 billion from the target of Rp191 billion. Or a surplus of Rp11 billion.

He explained that the realization proves that the investment climate in Madiun City is quite good even though the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended.

The Madiun City Government is increasingly optimistic that the investment value in 2023 will skyrocket further as the COVID-19 pandemic situation is quite under control.

"There have been many well-known restaurants and international network outlets investing in Madiun City," said Maidi.

The existence of artificial tourist attractions and a new economic center is also a mainstay weapon in attracting investors to invest in Madiun City. Therefore, he continued, Madiun City will continue to be more attractive.

Moreover, there is additional ammunition to attract large to small investors. Namely, the existence of "Business Center Volunteers" (PBC), "Religious Center Volunteers" (PRC), and "Bogowonto Culinary Center" (BCC).

"Our city is getting more attractive, many want to visit. Please investors develop their business here," he said.

Maidi added, as Madiun City is now a tourist destination, his party will attract more intensively international star hotel investors.

With so many investors investing in Madiun City, economic growth and job opportunities have also been boosted.

The estuary is that the welfare of the citizens of Madiun City is also increasing, said Maidi.

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