SIDOARJO - Juanda International Airport Surabaya serves 232,011 passengers during the opening of the Christmas and New Year's (Nataru) service posts, from 19-24 December 2022.

This number increased 58 percent compared to the same period last year which was only 146,908 passengers.

"If averaged, daily passengers in this year's postal period are 38,000 passengers per day or grew 15 percent compared to normal operating days of 33,000 daily passengers," said Juanda International Airport General Manager Sisyani Jaffar as quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 25.

He said the trend of increasing the number of passengers was seen from D-4 Christmas or December 21, 2022, which was 39,058 passengers, then on the following day the number was 40,055, and the first peak occurred on Friday, December 23, 2022, totaling 40,608 passengers.

According to him, a significant trend of passenger growth occurred in international passengers because previously Juanda Airport was not opened as an international flight gateway.

"Currently, there are 5,000 international passengers per day, where in the previous year there was absolutely no such thing, so there was significant growth in international passengers," he said.

Sisyani added that some of the passengers she met admitted to taking advantage of the year-end holidays and school holidays to go abroad.

"On average, Singapore's destination, then continues its journey to the next destination via Changi Airport," he said.

He said the same growth also occurred in aircraft movements, where during this year's postal period the average daily is 267 aircraft movements or grew 41 percent compared to the previous year, namely 190 aircraft movements per day.

"In anticipation of these things, we have ensured that the facilities are in a condition ready to serve Christmas and New Year's transportation," said Sisyani.

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