JAKARTA - Electric sales of PT PLN (Persero) experienced a significant increase during the post-pandemic economic recovery period. PLN's cumulative sales until November 2022 reached 250.4 Terawatt Hours (TWh) where year on year (yoy) grew by 6.61 percent.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said economic recovery was one of the drivers of electricity growth this year. He explained that electricity consumption in the household sector still dominates, although in terms of industry and business, it is much better than yesterday's pandemic.

"This is a positive signal for Indonesia's economic growth. We PLN are certainly ready to support economic growth with reliable electricity supply so that especially the Industrial and Business sectors can compete and grow," Darmawan said in his statement, Saturday, December 24.

Darmawan detailed that the sector that contributed the most to electricity consumption in 2022 was the household segment, amounting to 106.23 TWh (42.43 percent). Then followed by the industrial segment of 81.17 TWh (32.42 percent), the business segment of 43.99 TWh (17.57 percent), the social segment of 9.18 TWh (3.67 percent), and the public segment of 7.82 TWh (3.13 percent).

"The economy, which has improved in the post-pandemic period, has a direct impact on PLN's electricity sales growth, especially in the industrial and business segments," he said.

Darmawan explained, for the household, industry and business segments, each grew 0.55 percent, 10.55 percent and 13.8 percent yoy. Plus teaching and learning activities and worship that began to be carried out offline, the use of electricity in the social segment also grew by 16.51 percent yoy.

"In November 2022 alone, we managed to record sales of 22.9 TWh of electricity. When compared to last November's sales, there was an increase of 2.31 percent," he added.

He added that the driving factor for increasing electricity consumption was due to changes in people's lifestyle, which previously relied on fuel-based energy to electrical energy. In addition, PLN also continues to make various efforts to increase sales of electrical energy by supporting productive community activities.

One of PLN's efforts is through the Electrifying Agriculture (EA) Program which is aimed at the agricultural or livestock sector. This program is designed to encourage the use of technology to increase the productivity of farmers or breeders through the use of electrical energy.

"The total electricity sales from EA experienced significant growth. As of November 2022, EA's electricity sales growth was 4.67 TWh or experienced sales growth of 20.98 percent compared to the same period last year," said Darmawan.

As for 2023, he added, PLN has projected that national electricity sales will reach 283.22 TWh or grow by around 5.35 percent.

"The fastest growth is expected in several areas outside Java, such as Maluku, Kalimantan, to East Nusa Tenggara. Take, for example, Maluku, which is projected to have electricity consumption, will grow by 26.61 percent in 2023," he concluded.

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