JAKARTA - The plan to provide incentives for the purchase of environmentally friendly vehicles is expected to bring great benefits to the country. In addition to electric vehicles, vehicles with fuel gas (BBG) are also advised to receive incentives, because they have the same goal and encourage the optimization of the national energy mix target.

Energy Observer Iwa Garniwa, said that the use of renewable energy has become a global demand, including in Indonesia. So it is natural that incentives are needed to make it happen.

Even so, Indonesia needs to have its own program that is more targeted and measurable. Fitting it with the potential that exists in the country and considering the ability and purchasing power of the people.

"The goal is national energy resilience which is supported by independence and sovereignty," he said in a written statement, Thursday, December 22.

Iwa, who is a professor and professor at the Faculty of Electric Engineering, University of Indonesia (UI), explained that the use of full electric vehicles requires stages. Moreover, there are around 24 million four-wheeled vehicles and around 120 million oil-fueled motorcycles (BBM) that need attention.

"When we go straight to the electric vehicle, what do we all do with it? So it needs a transition," he explained.

At the same time, continued Iwa, Indonesia has various sources of environmentally friendly energy that can be optimized in the intended transition phase. Especially BBG, whose program has been implemented but has not yet been massive. Such as the program for installing free converters of kits. In addition to public and service vehicles, similar programs have also been carried out to thousands of fishermen in various regions.

"I thought there was a good program. From fuel to BBG. I took a taxi in South Korea several times, but it turned out to be using gas. So it's important not to just focus on one program," said Iwa.

Iwa added, the most important thing is the stage in order to reduce emissions. BBG remains in that context.

"In fact (the conversion of fuel to BBG) is good. This is also important because Indonesia needs to be careful in pursuing the zero emission target. If BBG is optimized, the benefits are clearly available to the state," he said.

That way, Indonesia does not merely convert vehicles from fuel to electricity which is considered environmentally friendly. However, it also benefits from optimizing gas resources.

"There is clearly the availability of BBG. We are also exporters of BBG," he added.

Chairman of the Indonesian Natural Gas Liquid & Compress Company Association (APLCNGI) Dian Kuncoro said the government's plan to provide incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles should also be followed by incentives for BBG-based vehicles. In addition to the large number of BBG vehicle infrastructure available, natural gas is one of the largest energy sources in Indonesia.

"The use of BBG also aims to encourage a shift in the use of clean energy and reduce dependence on fuel. The cost of converting to BBG is also more affordable between 15 - 30 million and the treatment is also much easier," said Dian.

To support the transformation step to BBG, the government has realized the construction of various infrastructures such as Gas Fuel Filling Stations (SPBG) and Mobile Regasifications Units (MRU) in various locations, especially in Jabodetabek.

"Unfortunately, the policy did not run optimally because the government was not total and completed in encouraging the transition to BBG. Even though there were many successful public transportation and were able to streamline operational costs using BBG," he added.

Iwa added, Indonesia still needs to optimize its existing energy. Energy flow has not been carried out optimally. According to him, optimizing electric vehicles can start from certain areas, especially those who have difficulty getting gas supplies. That way, the government can while pursuing the national energy mix target.

"I totally agree with this electric vehicle. But I'm worried about the cost," said Iwa.

This includes plans to provide incentives of Rp. 80 million for the purchase of electric cars and Rp. 8 million for the purchase of electric motorcycles, which according to him need to be studied more deeply.

"Especially in terms of the amount. Where does the calculation come from? This is a good study as well," he said.

Because the principle, continued Iwa, when providing incentives, there must be benefits in addition to of course benefits in the form of pursuing environmentally friendly principles.

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