Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani had the opportunity to convey a moral message on the commemoration of Mother's Day on December 22 in a talk show entitled "Indonesia Empowered, Women Advanced".

At that moment, the state treasurer specifically congratulated Mother's Day to all Indonesian women and MSME players, especially dominated by women.

"Mother's Day is not only a celebration, but must be interpreted by inspiring young women to continue to take part by donating the best in life," she said through a virtual channel on Thursday, December 22.

According to the Minister of Finance, women have always been an inspiration quoted by world leaders. In fact, he continued, Rasulullah SAW said that women are the pillars of the state.

"Both women are identical to the good of the country. On the other hand, the damage to women will be the destruction of the country," he said.

The Minister of Finance added that women were created by the Creator to be able to continue to preserve offspring.

"This is a very complicated task, must contain, give birth, and raise children to become a useful generation in the future," he stressed.

Furthermore, the Minister of Finance revealed that the role of women in the economy is very strong. This is evidenced by the majority of MSME actors who have women. Meanwhile, MSMEs themselves are important supporters of the national economy.

"The state continues to be present to support MSMEs through various programs. In addition, the APBN has also given budget tagging for women's priority sectors to further contribute to the economy," he explained.

"Happy Mother's Day, Indonesian-powered women are advancing," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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