JAKARTA - To increase ease of doing business in the oil and gas sub-sector (oil and gas), the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources together with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) launched eight Standard Forms for Specific Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UKL/UPL) for Oil and Gas Activities.

This makes the oil and gas sub-sector at the forefront of completing the UKL/UPL specific standard form which is a new system to be implemented in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

"The preparation of the UKL/UPL specific standard form is the result of good cooperation between the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, the Environmental Standardization Agency, the Directorate of Prevention of the Impact of the Business Environment and Activities of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, SKK Migas, Hulu and Hilir Migas Business Entities and environmental experts. This is proof of a good collaboration between regulators and business actors, thus producing a product that provides solutions and conveniences for licensing processes," said Director General of Oil and Gas. Bumi Tutuka Ariadji in Jakarta, Tuesday 20 December.

The eight UKL/UPL specific standard forms that have been compiled together are:

a. Small-Scale gas station with capacity < 20 KL

b. SPBU with a capacity of > 20 KL

c. Land seismic

d. Sea seismic

e. Vibroseismic

f. Land Exploration drilling

g. Boborating Marine Exploration

h. Household Gas Network

Of the eight standard UKL/UPL specific forms, continued Tutuka, there is one form for gas stations < 20KL activities that has been integrated into OSS and later seven other forms will be entered into the KLHK information system called Amdalnet. Furthermore, the Directorate General of Oil and Gas will continue to collaborate to create UKL/UPL specific standard forms for other oil and gas activities.

The Director General of Oil and Gas said that all oil and gas business activities carried out in Indonesia require Environmental Approval and to obtain it, every person in charge of business activities must draw up environmental documents. Good document preparation will greatly assist the Environmental Approval process. This UKL/UPL specific standard form document is prepared together to reduce 'uncertainty' in the fulfillment of environmental document preparation.

"The preparation of the UKL/UPL specific standard form is an effort to simplify the preparation of environmental documents in order to make it easier for business actors to compile documents and make it easier for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to evaluate them. In addition, the timeframe in fulfilling environmental approval is shorter, because in this form the technical aspects have been prepared so that the discussion of environmental documents can focus more on environmental aspects," explained Tutuka.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources hopes that this UKL/UPL specific standard form can help all parties with good interests from the side of business owners as initiators and document appraisers, in this case from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. In terms of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, this UKL/UPL specific standard form is expected to provide ease of doing business for all oil and gas activities so that it can still achieve various targets that support national energy resilience, as well as the realization of a safe, reliable and environmental oil and gas industry.

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